Этот проект получил финансирование от исследовательской и инновационной программы Horizon 2020 Европейского Союза в рамках грантового соглашения № 825673.
HIV molecular epidemiology and treatment resistance - latest enrolment updates at October 2020
Молекулярная эпидемиология ВИЧ и новые стратегии лечения в России и Восточной Европе

The databases
HIV PDR data
A large set of available data is collected and PDR is analysed with special focus on NNRTI DRM and HIV transmission clusters in Russia. Taking advantage of the existing data collection infrastructure of the Consortium, available pol sequences from diagnosed patients, recruited mainly in 2013-2017, are compiled; also sequences from newly diagnosed patients are produced. any transmission networks involving both Russia and EU are identified. Resistance analysis by Population based Sanger sequencing (PBSS) of the pol gene is done by routine methods. Primary DRM are defined and acquired DRM are identified. Subtypes, phylogenetic analysis and transmission clusters are then studied. The DB data come from centers in Russia and Ukraine.
The DB is aimed at the identification of adverse events, tolerability and treatment efficacy of DTG in a large cohort of Western and eastern European HIV-infected patients. Using an already developed data collection platform, existing cohorts are expanded with clinical information on patients from Russia, Ukraine and Georgia and analysed for AE, tolerability, efficacy. Analysis of emergent resistance is carried out with regard to INSTI DRMs by comparing virus from matched patients from eastern and Western Europe. The assessment of INSTI DRM is done both in Europe and in Russia using shared protocols. The DB data come from centers in Russia, Ukraine, Georgia.